all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 0JZ 25 0 53.412691 -2.875861
L14 0LA 26 0 53.412049 -2.872598
L14 0LB 6 0 53.416188 -2.880672
L14 0LD 37 0 53.415254 -2.878155
L14 0LE 42 1 53.415821 -2.87433
L14 0LF 20 0 53.417368 -2.871804
L14 0LG 30 0 53.416907 -2.869643
L14 0LH 22 1 53.416976 -2.872579
L14 0LJ 40 0 53.416647 -2.872
L14 0LL 11 0 53.415313 -2.87614
L14 0LN 30 0 53.416753 -2.874695
L14 0LP 28 0 53.416577 -2.874271
L14 0LQ 23 0 53.415083 -2.874466
L14 0LR 39 0 53.415409 -2.871629
L14 0LS 29 0 53.415478 -2.870878
L14 0LU 33 0 53.415771 -2.868853
L14 0LW 25 0 53.415282 -2.875583
L14 0LX 39 8 53.415804 -2.868116
L14 0LY 39 0 53.418486 -2.87133
L14 0LZ 43 0 53.418187 -2.871625