all postcodes in L18 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L18 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L18 3LN 14 0 53.377415 -2.896918
L18 3LP 5 0 53.375282 -2.892499
L18 3LQ 66 0 53.388229 -2.892064
L18 3LT 64 0 53.385891 -2.888602
L18 3LU 34 0 53.386412 -2.88735
L18 3LW 23 0 53.377735 -2.885305
L18 3NF 8 0 53.376666 -2.891311
L18 3NG 1 0 53.379682 -2.913277
L18 3NH 52 0 53.387583 -2.888216
L18 3NJ 6 0 53.376471 -2.886045
L18 3NL 13 0 53.376279 -2.88535
L18 3NN 8 0 53.376035 -2.884338
L18 3NP 5 0 53.376437 -2.891847
L18 3NQ 10 0 53.388202 -2.890905
L18 3NU 9 1 53.37547 -2.891331
L18 3NW 4 0 53.377064 -2.8849
L18 3WH 1 53.379682 -2.913277
L18 3WD 1 53.379682 -2.913277
L18 3XA 1 0 53.379682 -2.913277
L18 3AB 11 0 53.384528 -2.895158