all postcodes in L18 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L18 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L18 4QA 6 0 53.375235 -2.916399
L18 4QB 18 0 53.377438 -2.917377
L18 4QD 7 0 53.37614 -2.914494
L18 4QE 24 0 53.377025 -2.917474
L18 4QF 23 0 53.375943 -2.916714
L18 4QG 28 0 53.36988 -2.912571
L18 4QH 12 0 53.375399 -2.913862
L18 4QJ 12 0 53.375032 -2.913658
L18 4QL 16 0 53.374432 -2.913315
L18 4QN 16 0 53.373877 -2.912957
L18 4QP 18 0 53.372565 -2.911832
L18 4QQ 24 0 53.369565 -2.91264
L18 4QR 18 0 53.372001 -2.911429
L18 4QS 20 0 53.371475 -2.910907
L18 4QT 20 0 53.370957 -2.91043
L18 4QU 20 0 53.370663 -2.910138
L18 4QW 16 0 53.37336 -2.91242
L18 4QX 20 0 53.370164 -2.909586
L18 4QY 17 5 53.368803 -2.911226
L18 4QZ 23 10 53.369681 -2.909095