all postcodes in L18 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L18 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L18 1DZ 26 0 53.388183 -2.919398
L18 1EA 24 0 53.389139 -2.921419
L18 1EB 27 0 53.387893 -2.919723
L18 1ED 33 1 53.389527 -2.921006
L18 1EE 29 0 53.388377 -2.918741
L18 1EF 31 0 53.38822 -2.919249
L18 1EG 6 0 53.388955 -2.918212
L18 1EH 28 1 53.389256 -2.91897
L18 1EJ 14 0 53.388637 -2.917739
L18 1EL 31 0 53.388426 -2.917043
L18 1EN 43 0 53.385053 -2.918474
L18 1EP 44 0 53.387937 -2.915153
L18 1EQ 1 1 53.389086 -2.918846
L18 1ER 23 0 53.386886 -2.91507
L18 1ES 15 0 53.388864 -2.918526
L18 1ET 29 0 53.388592 -2.918851
L18 1EU 2 0 53.385596 -2.922454
L18 1EW 35 0 53.386635 -2.916207
L18 1EX 19 0 53.38773 -2.92432
L18 1EY 33 0 53.387814 -2.920623