all postcodes in L19 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L19 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L19 2LT 21 1 53.354484 -2.898165
L19 2LU 5 3 53.35495 -2.898114
L19 2LW 21 3 53.353909 -2.89683
L19 2LX 42 4 53.354836 -2.899088
L19 2LY 47 4 53.355175 -2.89929
L19 2NA 47 2 53.355564 -2.900155
L19 2NB 53 0 53.355831 -2.900672
L19 2ND 52 0 53.355918 -2.901064
L19 2NE 41 0 53.356183 -2.901641
L19 2NJ 26 15 53.353956 -2.89895
L19 2NL 24 7 53.354747 -2.90134
L19 2NR 6 3 53.353602 -2.899423
L19 2NS 2 2 53.353631 -2.899243
L19 2NW 1 1 53.355156 -2.90201
L19 2NY 5 3 53.353834 -2.893463
L19 2NZ 15 1 53.351089 -2.88331
L19 2PA 12 11 53.353218 -2.895343
L19 2PD 1 1 53.353051 -2.896211
L19 2PF 1 1 53.353211 -2.895253
L19 2PH 11 7 53.350511 -2.886123