all postcodes in L19 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L19 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L19 3QB 14 0 53.361113 -2.917718
L19 3QD 29 6 53.366298 -2.923676
L19 3QE 28 1 53.364794 -2.920623
L19 3QF 2 1 53.363644 -2.917998
L19 3QG 23 8 53.363146 -2.916334
L19 3QH 10 0 53.362951 -2.917142
L19 3QJ 20 0 53.362719 -2.91667
L19 3QL 18 0 53.362375 -2.917235
L19 3QN 1 1 53.360324 -2.923246
L19 3QP 2 0 53.362624 -2.921973
L19 3QS 27 0 53.363932 -2.920499
L19 3QT 12 0 53.362969 -2.92174
L19 3QU 35 0 53.364333 -2.922101
L19 3QW 7 0 53.363686 -2.920899
L19 3QX 33 0 53.366127 -2.924935
L19 3QY 31 0 53.365186 -2.924493
L19 3QZ 32 0 53.365827 -2.924222
L19 3RA 14 0 53.364846 -2.924291
L19 3RB 20 0 53.364805 -2.924951
L19 3RD 28 0 53.364481 -2.925019