all postcodes in L19 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L19 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L19 8LX 36 0 53.344586 -2.894697
L19 8LY 42 0 53.344221 -2.894224
L19 8NH 11 0 53.348875 -2.895778
L19 8NS 8 0 53.349965 -2.900128
L19 8NT 9 0 53.350326 -2.90006
L19 8NU 9 0 53.349868 -2.901132
L19 8DE 0 53.348609 -2.890395
L19 8LP 26 0 53.348672 -2.895158
L19 8EH 0 53.34801 -2.898329
L19 8NG 1 53.350192 -2.896272
L19 8AB 64 0 53.349498 -2.897744
L19 8HN 20 0 53.348651 -2.897952
L19 8HT 35 0 53.350486 -2.8979
L19 8HU 27 0 53.349683 -2.898259
L19 8HG 0 53.348705 -2.8992
L19 8EE 0 53.349401 -2.899875
L19 8HZ 0 53.349984 -2.895246
L19 8LZ 13 0 53.350856 -2.897623
L19 8AA 0 53.347677 -2.891036
L19 8YW 1 53.358567 -2.907205