all postcodes in L19 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L19 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L19 9DE 0 53.363334 -2.909321
L19 9DF 1 53.364027 -2.911605
L19 9DG 0 53.365711 -2.915879
L19 9DH 1 53.362632 -2.91177
L19 9DJ 0 53.363566 -2.908334
L19 9DL 0 53.365621 -2.92058
L19 9DN 4 53.36374 -2.916167
L19 9DP 0 53.36313 -2.912532
L19 9DQ 0 53.365211 -2.916664
L19 9DR 0 53.363637 -2.913249
L19 9DS 0 53.363814 -2.913599
L19 9DT 0 53.364472 -2.915702
L19 9DU 0 53.36671 -2.918049
L19 9DW 0 53.362127 -2.913202
L19 9DX 0 53.366939 -2.916401
L19 9DY 0 53.36602 -2.915434
L19 9DZ 0 53.367074 -2.917516
L19 9EA 1 53.36595 -2.917492
L19 9EB 0 53.365032 -2.917652
L19 9ED 0 53.364675 -2.917329