all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 0AE 1 53.395992 -2.983978
L1 0AA 0 53.396727 -2.981033
L1 0AG 3 53.397047 -2.980273
L1 0AS 0 53.397004 -2.981039
L1 0AT 0 53.397004 -2.981039
L1 0DB 77 0 53.396137 -2.98159
L1 0DF 79 0 53.396137 -2.98159
L1 0AX 9 0 53.395989 -2.982128
L1 0AZ 12 0 53.395989 -2.982128
L1 1DA 7 7 53.405497 -2.984664
L1 1DE 3 3 53.405295 -2.982945
L1 1DF 1 1 53.405686 -2.983525
L1 1DG 7 4 53.405035 -2.981795
L1 1DJ 8 5 53.405399 -2.982375
L1 1DN 3 3 53.405104 -2.982098
L1 1DP 1 1 53.405747 -2.981601
L1 1DQ 1 1 53.405043 -2.981856
L1 1DS 8 5 53.405933 -2.984118
L1 1EB 13 11 53.405947 -2.984554
L1 1EE 11 9 53.406606 -2.984284