all postcodes in L2 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L2 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L2 2UG 1 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2UH 1 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2UJ 1 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2UL 1 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2UQ 1 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2BW 5 53.409293 -2.989716
L2 2BX 1 53.409485 -2.98939
L2 2DQ 60 0 53.40942 -2.987402
L2 2EE 2 2 53.410082 -2.988862
L2 2ZR 1 53.408541 -2.986164
L2 2AH 1 1 53.410035 -2.983776
L2 2BT 0 53.408312 -2.988655