all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 7EE 0 53.439959 -2.989194
L20 7EJ 5 53.445709 -2.990441
L20 7EP 1 53.448275 -2.995486
L20 7EW 1 53.445072 -2.989404
L20 7EX 0 53.440215 -2.989682
L20 7EZ 1 53.440665 -2.988579
L20 7HE 0 53.446328 -2.992971
L20 7HF 1 53.446604 -2.993173
L20 7HH 0 53.448993 -2.99353
L20 7HJ 0 53.448932 -2.993213
L20 7HL 0 53.449407 -2.993222
L20 7HN 0 53.449597 -2.993318
L20 7HQ 0 53.449142 -2.993955
L20 7HR 0 53.44738 -2.994862
L20 7JF 1 53.446408 -2.989736
L20 7JH 0 53.448474 -2.993202
L20 7JJ 0 53.440654 -2.990805
L20 7HS 5 53.447865 -2.991666
L20 7AN 0 53.447525 -2.994866
L20 7DJ 6 0 53.44779 -2.986802