all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 8EA 1 53.436692 -2.994868
L20 8ED 1 53.427597 -2.995981
L20 8EE 1 53.44972 -3.002175
L20 8EJ 3 53.435465 -2.997776
L20 8EL 7 53.434495 -2.989864
L20 8EQ 1 53.43337 -2.993542
L20 8ER 0 53.434638 -2.990185
L20 8ET 1 53.433156 -2.990992
L20 8EW 2 53.432723 -2.992247
L20 8EX 2 53.432697 -2.991268
L20 8HB 1 53.437002 -2.990225
L20 8HE 7 53.441695 -2.994399
L20 8HG 10 53.441239 -2.994102
L20 8HJ 6 53.440579 -2.994447
L20 8HL 7 53.437874 -2.991299
L20 8HT 1 53.440034 -2.99311
L20 8JB 8 53.435133 -2.988826
L20 8JD 4 53.436954 -2.990373
L20 8JG 1 53.436641 -2.993588
L20 8JJ 3 53.437687 -2.993236