all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 0DE 0 53.462838 -2.976893
L20 0DF 0 53.459239 -2.975078
L20 0DG 0 53.460942 -2.975675
L20 0DH 0 53.460695 -2.974885
L20 0DJ 0 53.46192 -2.974778
L20 0DL 0 53.460154 -2.974256
L20 0DN 0 53.458764 -2.973832
L20 0DP 0 53.460894 -2.975011
L20 0DQ 0 53.463023 -2.976235
L20 0DR 0 53.462996 -2.975089
L20 0DS 0 53.46299 -2.973688
L20 0DT 0 53.463175 -2.975169
L20 0DU 0 53.463582 -2.975976
L20 0DW 0 53.459439 -2.973727
L20 0DX 6 53.463831 -2.976343
L20 0DY 0 53.462585 -2.974778
L20 0DZ 0 53.462155 -2.974663
L20 0EA 1 53.463567 -2.97456
L20 0ED 0 53.46398 -2.974327
L20 0EE 0 53.465023 -2.972319