all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 1BL 24 0 53.46446 -3.012073
L21 1BN 36 0 53.463691 -3.011542
L21 1BP 38 0 53.463796 -3.010792
L21 1BR 42 0 53.463684 -3.01234
L21 1BS 16 1 53.463924 -3.013717
L21 1BT 15 0 53.465678 -3.014678
L21 1BU 12 0 53.466626 -3.015258
L21 1BX 19 1 53.46366 -3.013108
L21 1BY 8 0 53.464475 -3.013414
L21 1BZ 16 0 53.465701 -3.01403
L21 1DA 6 0 53.466748 -3.014583
L21 1DB 26 0 53.464711 -3.012154
L21 1DD 22 0 53.465017 -3.012086
L21 1DF 14 0 53.465714 -3.011455
L21 1DE 7 0 53.465903 -3.011474
L21 1DG 19 0 53.466779 -3.012053
L21 1DH 12 2 53.467106 -3.011684
L21 1DJ 6 0 53.465157 -3.010175
L21 1DN 4 0 53.465082 -3.010579
L21 1DP 25 0 53.465908 -3.012753