all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 4NH 13 0 53.461754 -3.00993
L21 4NN 36 0 53.462424 -3.007219
L21 4NP 34 0 53.460651 -3.008593
L21 4NR 13 0 53.462624 -3.009137
L21 4NS 50 0 53.462403 -3.009689
L21 4NT 23 0 53.461742 -3.00794
L21 4NU 35 0 53.461668 -3.008437
L21 4NW 42 0 53.46158 -3.007169
L21 4PA 24 0 53.461278 -3.010928
L21 4PD 25 0 53.462516 -3.006996
L21 4PF 1 1 53.459565 -3.011519
L21 4PG 1 1 53.458925 -3.011821
L21 4PJ 7 0 53.463212 -3.008714
L21 4PL 42 0 53.460826 -3.010134
L21 4PN 39 0 53.461523 -3.009638
L21 4PQ 50 0 53.464041 -3.009517
L21 4PW 23 0 53.462354 -3.012339
L21 4PZ 0 53.463472 -3.007666
L21 4AB 11 0 53.463332 -3.00831