all postcodes in L23 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L23 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L23 0UF 29 0 53.487785 -3.017481
L23 0UG 45 0 53.489013 -3.018897
L23 0UH 6 0 53.486789 -3.018301
L23 0UJ 16 0 53.486163 -3.01687
L23 0UL 8 0 53.485693 -3.016135
L23 0UN 35 0 53.485706 -3.014568
L23 0UQ 43 0 53.488863 -3.018532
L23 0UR 71 0 53.489351 -3.021467
L23 0UT 10 0 53.486483 -3.017314
L23 0UW 33 0 53.485393 -3.014425
L23 0YB 1 0 53.475609 -3.027267
L23 0YD 8 0 53.488383 -3.023147
L23 0YE 14 0 53.482141 -3.025755
L23 0AB 0 53.485705 -3.013588
L23 0YX 0 53.475609 -3.027267