all postcodes in L23 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L23 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L23 2TB 23 14 53.493168 -3.027872
L23 2TD 1 1 53.492486 -3.026909
L23 2TE 17 4 53.493775 -3.026533
L23 2TF 9 0 53.495877 -3.027684
L23 2TG 6 0 53.494883 -3.026243
L23 2TH 28 1 53.495074 -3.023851
L23 2TJ 28 0 53.49424 -3.02463
L23 2TL 32 0 53.495047 -3.02486
L23 2TN 32 0 53.49616 -3.025113
L23 2TP 23 0 53.495617 -3.025568
L23 2TQ 8 0 53.495902 -3.026901
L23 2TR 22 0 53.496299 -3.022569
L23 2TS 20 0 53.496829 -3.022552
L23 2TT 40 0 53.497224 -3.022561
L23 2TU 5 0 53.497951 -3.023845
L23 2TW 28 0 53.496531 -3.02476
L23 2TX 16 0 53.497269 -3.024718
L23 2TY 41 0 53.497496 -3.022357
L23 2TZ 10 0 53.497689 -3.024954
L23 2UA 44 0 53.497964 -3.022323