all postcodes in L23 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L23 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L23 0SB 34 0 53.482492 -3.021453
L23 0SD 31 0 53.482184 -3.019622
L23 0SE 14 0 53.482729 -3.012673
L23 0SF 40 0 53.482278 -3.012874
L23 0SG 20 0 53.4863 -3.009156
L23 0SH 28 0 53.481843 -3.018575
L23 0SJ 8 0 53.48221 -3.018749
L23 0SL 20 0 53.4827 -3.021277
L23 0SN 32 0 53.48603 -3.010311
L23 0SP 8 0 53.484182 -3.024568
L23 0SQ 20 0 53.4861 -3.009393
L23 0SR 9 0 53.484234 -3.025941
L23 0SS 31 0 53.483198 -3.027014
L23 0ST 20 0 53.481435 -3.014722
L23 0SU 27 0 53.480936 -3.015313
L23 0SW 21 0 53.485617 -3.01018
L23 0SX 30 0 53.483303 -3.012777
L23 0SY 30 0 53.490033 -3.021529
L23 0SZ 30 0 53.489893 -3.021089
L23 0TA 34 0 53.483862 -3.01258