all postcodes in L24 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L24 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L24 0TA 34 1 53.340492 -2.843155
L24 0TB 14 0 53.340668 -2.843925
L24 0TD 34 0 53.339604 -2.846922
L24 0TE 40 0 53.338997 -2.843786
L24 0TF 14 0 53.339062 -2.847272
L24 0TG 16 0 53.338862 -2.84518
L24 0TH 23 0 53.347384 -2.847572
L24 0TJ 29 0 53.346753 -2.842813
L24 0TL 38 0 53.342031 -2.845679
L24 0TP 16 0 53.341475 -2.845277
L24 0TQ 28 0 53.338673 -2.8439
L24 0TR 40 0 53.342583 -2.842671
L24 0TS 14 0 53.342514 -2.84354
L24 0TW 1 1 53.341547 -2.842921
L24 0TY 5 5 53.344034 -2.840551
L24 0RB 14 0 53.342444 -2.841691