all postcodes in L24 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L24 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L24 9JW 3 2 53.348497 -2.844995
L24 9LE 1 1 53.349794 -2.825266
L24 9LG 67 15 53.354488 -2.854685
L24 9LN 1 1 53.354749 -2.852151
L24 9LS 4 2 53.355923 -2.85273
L24 9NB 31 22 53.350578 -2.849634
L24 9LR 51 1 53.35532 -2.857826
L24 9PA 1 1 53.34071 -2.841763
L24 9PB 29 27 53.352004 -2.856438
L24 9PH 1 1 53.349802 -2.847515
L24 9PL 1 1 53.351172 -2.841984
L24 9PN 1 1 53.350224 -2.860248
L24 9PS 1 1 53.353004 -2.8422
L24 9PT 1 1 53.34071 -2.841763
L24 9PY 1 1 53.349681 -2.841774
L24 9PZ 1 1 53.347135 -2.830653
L24 9WA 1 1 53.357501 -2.868192
L24 9WD 1 1 53.351911 -2.864413
L24 9WF 1 1 53.352727 -2.850923
L24 9LH 0 53.35483 -2.855968