all postcodes in L24 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L24 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L24 1AD 4 0 53.344487 -2.859216
L24 1WF 0 53.344927 -2.864061
L24 2RA 78 0 53.344434 -2.8338
L24 2RB 44 0 53.339672 -2.841232
L24 2RZ 1 0 53.343863 -2.838295
L24 2SA 32 2 53.340188 -2.838058
L24 2SD 1 1 53.341993 -2.838363
L24 2SF 6 4 53.340911 -2.838793
L24 2SG 1 1 53.340726 -2.841763
L24 2SJ 37 0 53.341244 -2.834909
L24 2SN 9 0 53.340846 -2.836569
L24 2SP 26 0 53.341072 -2.831181
L24 2SR 24 0 53.338798 -2.84147
L24 2SS 40 0 53.33884 -2.837971
L24 2ST 34 0 53.339124 -2.834748
L24 2SU 44 0 53.339013 -2.831366
L24 2SW 28 0 53.340549 -2.831471
L24 2SX 26 1 53.344334 -2.828841
L24 2SY 26 0 53.341986 -2.829066
L24 2SZ 20 1 53.339656 -2.829306