all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 0PE 21 0 53.357969 -2.861981
L25 0PF 31 5 53.358474 -2.857739
L25 0PG 22 0 53.358922 -2.854428
L25 0PH 31 0 53.359568 -2.852006
L25 0PJ 39 1 53.358554 -2.853068
L25 0PL 10 0 53.357458 -2.854248
L25 0PN 28 0 53.356704 -2.861625
L25 0PP 32 0 53.356379 -2.861739
L25 0PQ 30 0 53.358933 -2.85291
L25 0PR 33 0 53.356759 -2.857705
L25 0PS 25 0 53.357171 -2.863828
L25 0PT 8 0 53.357828 -2.860266
L25 0PU 18 0 53.357944 -2.856647
L25 0PW 28 0 53.357018 -2.857981
L25 0PX 18 0 53.357393 -2.863232
L25 0PY 49 0 53.357635 -2.859691
L25 0PZ 52 0 53.357175 -2.859802
L25 0QA 4 0 53.360684 -2.851893
L25 0QB 21 0 53.360006 -2.848619
L25 0QD 17 0 53.360438 -2.848508