all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 7RP 8 1 53.374607 -2.869457
L25 7RQ 18 1 53.373442 -2.871132
L25 7RR 12 0 53.374569 -2.869757
L25 7RS 7 0 53.373734 -2.86962
L25 7RT 17 0 53.372337 -2.873755
L25 7RU 18 0 53.372441 -2.873096
L25 7RW 23 1 53.376307 -2.877895
L25 7RX 15 2 53.375533 -2.876827
L25 7RY 17 2 53.374642 -2.87544
L25 7SA 19 0 53.376719 -2.880519
L25 7SB 1 1 53.371947 -2.874213
L25 7UY 43 0 53.373727 -2.875467
L25 7SE 22 0 53.372713 -2.873973
L25 7SF 1 1 53.373779 -2.873243
L25 7SG 24 0 53.375031 -2.876576
L25 7SL 17 1 53.374348 -2.873841
L25 7SN 37 0 53.374632 -2.874583
L25 7SP 2 0 53.375386 -2.875741
L25 7SQ 28 0 53.373776 -2.874837
L25 7SR 3 0 53.368953 -2.864443