all postcodes in L26 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L26 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
L26 1UN39253.358861-2.836366
L26 1UP17053.354926-2.841186
L26 1UQ37053.356052-2.836957
L26 1UR23053.355211-2.839028
L26 1US13053.356348-2.838375
L26 1UT8453.360016-2.839604
L26 1UU30253.362284-2.839182
L26 1UW44053.358691-2.837594
L26 1UX54053.362374-2.837922
L26 1UY15053.360703-2.839076
L26 1UZ15053.36071-2.83807
L26 1XA44053.360458-2.834248
L26 1XB41053.360346-2.834847
L26 1XD45053.360188-2.83552
L26 1XE42053.359345-2.835338
L26 1XF50053.359259-2.835953
L26 1XG19253.358656-2.831974
L26 1XH48053.359661-2.835044
L26 1XJ3053.360761-2.841001
L26 1XL14053.360159-2.840989