all postcodes in L27 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L27 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L27 5QN 7 0 53.38233 -2.828812
L27 5QP 6 0 53.382919 -2.828132
L27 5QW 4 0 53.382118 -2.82959
L27 5RA 4 0 53.381526 -2.829428
L27 5RB 41 0 53.383472 -2.826068
L27 5RD 8 0 53.383302 -2.827373
L27 5RE 25 0 53.382975 -2.82654
L27 5RF 40 0 53.382743 -2.824927
L27 5RG 12 0 53.38242 -2.826138
L27 5RH 22 0 53.381149 -2.822851
L27 5RJ 32 0 53.382194 -2.826299
L27 5RL 44 0 53.381646 -2.826319
L27 5RN 33 0 53.381461 -2.824436
L27 5RP 20 0 53.381781 -2.828877
L27 5RQ 41 0 53.382031 -2.823936
L27 5RR 26 0 53.381671 -2.827868
L27 5RS 5 0 53.381414 -2.827381
L27 5RT 34 0 53.381009 -2.827464
L27 5RU 14 0 53.381392 -2.826614
L27 5RW 37 0 53.380879 -2.824154