all postcodes in L3 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L3 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 2DU 1 53.412268 -2.984369
L3 2EL 0 53.412705 -2.98805
L3 2EN 0 53.412847 -2.987121
L3 2EP 0 53.413246 -2.984587
L3 2ER 0 53.413363 -2.983462
L3 2ES 0 53.412947 -2.98598
L3 2ET 1 53.410576 -2.984616
L3 2EW 1 53.413015 -2.985319
L3 2EZ 1 53.410372 -2.987364
L3 2FB 0 53.412269 -2.987468
L3 2FE 7 53.409822 -2.986629
L3 2HA 3 53.409942 -2.987399
L3 2HB 2 53.409942 -2.987399
L3 2BS 0 53.412133 -2.986593
L3 2DA 81 0 53.413611 -2.986145
L3 2DB 80 0 53.413611 -2.986145
L3 2DD 89 0 53.413611 -2.986145
L3 2DE 24 0 53.413611 -2.986145
L3 2BD 0 53.411321 -2.985822
L3 2BB 54 0 53.412129 -2.988142