all postcodes in L3 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L3 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 4UU 1 53.383141 -2.980329
L3 4FN 3 3 53.397721 -2.990049
L3 4FP 4 2 53.396466 -2.989599
L3 4AX 1 1 53.401472 -2.992046
L3 4FX 0 53.378722 -2.970035
L3 4BX 3 3 53.396297 -2.986181
L3 4BT 1 53.380256 -2.973603
L3 4XX 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L3 4BN 3 2 53.386674 -2.980305
L3 4FT 48 0 53.396598 -2.988985
L3 4FW 48 0 53.397279 -2.989182
L3 4GE 79 0 53.39293 -2.989051
L3 4GF 80 0 53.39293 -2.989051
L3 4GG 80 0 53.39293 -2.989051