all postcodes in L3 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L3 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 6DU 2 53.414463 -2.988406
L3 6DW 1 53.411647 -2.987695
L3 6DX 11 53.414956 -2.988523
L3 6EH 0 53.417813 -2.983369
L3 6EL 0 53.411501 -2.992295
L3 6EN 0 53.411501 -2.992295
L3 6EP 5 53.415176 -2.988032
L3 6EQ 0 53.41851 -2.983957
L3 6ER 1 53.415655 -2.987833
L3 6EX 1 53.415661 -2.989247
L3 6EY 1 53.415775 -2.989656
L3 6HB 0 53.416867 -2.985875
L3 6HE 1 53.417181 -2.987041
L3 6HG 0 53.417219 -2.985642
L3 6HQ 0 53.417691 -2.988392
L3 6HZ 0 53.413565 -2.990553
L3 6JB 4 53.413355 -2.994053
L3 6JF 0 53.418189 -2.985755
L3 6JH 1 53.416133 -2.983104
L3 6JJ 0 53.4184 -2.983081