all postcodes in L3 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L3 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 8JX 1 53.409979 -2.976268
L3 8JY 4 53.409369 -2.971635
L3 8LB 1 53.409699 -2.972064
L3 8LD 0 53.411245 -2.973047
L3 8LE 0 53.409999 -2.978209
L3 8LG 1 53.411142 -2.973586
L3 8LR 1 53.409724 -2.975449
L3 8LX 8 53.410677 -2.97338
L3 8NP 0 53.41506 -2.970456
L3 8NT 1 53.410721 -2.9746
L3 8NY 0 53.4141 -2.971367
L3 8PH 0 53.413526 -2.973385
L3 8PJ 0 53.413924 -2.973184
L3 8PP 1 53.411436 -2.97069
L3 8PQ 0 53.412125 -2.973263
L3 8PS 0 53.413045 -2.970741
L3 8PT 0 53.412546 -2.973377
L3 8PY 1 53.410296 -2.974936
L3 8PZ 3 53.410076 -2.969967
L3 8QA 2 53.409587 -2.974589