all postcodes in L31 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L31 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L31 2LA 1 53.526899 -2.944742
L31 2LB 1 53.528094 -2.945626
L31 2LD 0 53.525863 -2.944945
L31 2LE 0 53.525836 -2.943904
L31 2LF 0 53.525939 -2.944509
L31 2LG 0 53.525886 -2.945489
L31 2LH 0 53.525183 -2.947977
L31 2LJ 0 53.525796 -2.947825
L31 2LL 0 53.524635 -2.949141
L31 2LN 0 53.524299 -2.947309
L31 2LP 0 53.523392 -2.947138
L31 2LQ 0 53.525987 -2.946305
L31 2LR 0 53.523932 -2.948221
L31 2LS 0 53.523113 -2.946091
L31 2LT 0 53.524193 -2.945858
L31 2LU 0 53.524707 -2.944557
L31 2LW 0 53.524367 -2.946601
L31 2LX 0 53.525164 -2.94241
L31 2LY 2 53.528111 -2.935717
L31 2LZ 10 53.522874 -2.945618