all postcodes in L31 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L31 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L31 5LB 30 0 53.500386 -2.941966
L31 5LD 40 0 53.500141 -2.943348
L31 5LE 2 2 53.500854 -2.93961
L31 5LF 32 0 53.5032 -2.936179
L31 5LG 13 0 53.504382 -2.937818
L31 5LJ 24 5 53.498981 -2.946819
L31 5LN 40 0 53.498147 -2.940922
L31 5LP 31 0 53.503797 -2.935679
L31 5LQ 41 0 53.497241 -2.945273
L31 5LR 24 7 53.504936 -2.938268
L31 5LS 22 0 53.497886 -2.943207
L31 5LT 30 0 53.498341 -2.942524
L31 5LU 6 0 53.500546 -2.938683
L31 5LW 40 1 53.500957 -2.937969
L31 5LX 30 0 53.505227 -2.936766
L31 5LY 10 0 53.504724 -2.940072
L31 5LZ 16 0 53.504995 -2.939882
L31 5NB 17 0 53.504094 -2.935671
L31 5ND 14 0 53.504382 -2.94014
L31 5NE 6 0 53.501346 -2.94553