all postcodes in L31 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L31 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L31 6DB 3 0 53.511272 -2.943067
L31 6DD 3 1 53.510498 -2.942822
L31 6DE 10 2 53.51277 -2.939934
L31 6DF 34 0 53.51435 -2.935716
L31 6DG 27 15 53.51577 -2.931072
L31 6DH 24 0 53.515401 -2.92764
L31 6DJ 38 36 53.512297 -2.93834
L31 6DL 20 0 53.514739 -2.935272
L31 6DN 30 0 53.51402 -2.935301
L31 6DP 34 0 53.512256 -2.935639
L31 6DR 23 0 53.513319 -2.935331
L31 6DS 25 0 53.513132 -2.935025
L31 6DT 21 0 53.512462 -2.934573
L31 6DU 17 0 53.511711 -2.934059
L31 6DW 30 0 53.515372 -2.930279
L31 6DX 20 0 53.512213 -2.936468
L31 6DY 18 0 53.512875 -2.936935
L31 6DZ 16 0 53.511445 -2.935923
L31 6EA 50 0 53.514298 -2.924977
L31 6EB 2 0 53.513629 -2.924116