all postcodes in L31 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L31 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L31 8BA 18 0 53.506633 -2.95667
L31 8BB 16 0 53.52021 -2.952828
L31 8BD 34 0 53.515797 -2.95389
L31 8BE 2 0 53.516748 -2.961647
L31 8BG 1 0 53.517953 -2.96276
L31 8BH 8 0 53.519671 -2.952726
L31 8BJ 3 0 53.516148 -2.951621
L31 8BL 25 0 53.512349 -2.953466
L31 8BN 1 0 53.517823 -2.962382
L31 8BQ 4 0 53.518653 -2.960968
L31 8BS 2 1 53.510821 -2.950942
L31 8BT 10 7 53.507736 -2.962621
L31 8BU 1 1 53.508119 -2.958513
L31 8BW 2 2 53.519076 -2.953827
L31 8BX 61 46 53.506657 -2.959051
L31 8BY 1 1 53.507541 -2.958877
L31 8DD 19 0 53.516887 -2.953628
L31 8DE 31 0 53.517109 -2.955021
L31 8DF 11 0 53.517318 -2.953653
L31 8DG 14 0 53.516392 -2.954839