all postcodes in L31 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L31 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L31 9PB 7 0 53.520003 -2.928842
L31 9PD 8 0 53.521164 -2.932155
L31 9PE 22 0 53.520059 -2.932056
L31 9PF 10 0 53.520562 -2.933198
L31 9PG 8 0 53.517594 -2.927718
L31 9PJ 35 0 53.516971 -2.922275
L31 9PL 60 0 53.516302 -2.922713
L31 9PN 37 0 53.517618 -2.923436
L31 9PQ 19 0 53.517069 -2.927013
L31 9PR 16 0 53.522334 -2.934248
L31 9PS 30 0 53.522492 -2.933542
L31 9PT 20 0 53.522046 -2.93311
L31 9PU 28 0 53.522751 -2.932703
L31 9PW 13 0 53.514964 -2.924871
L31 9PZ 42 1 53.52237 -2.931652
L31 9YU 1 0 53.513032 -2.94413
L31 9WB 1 1 53.513016 -2.944131