all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 2BG 1 0 53.488632 -2.898375
L32 2BH 28 0 53.489676 -2.898095
L32 2BJ 29 0 53.490612 -2.900331
L32 2BL 50 0 53.491012 -2.899812
L32 2BN 35 0 53.489436 -2.90014
L32 2BP 4 0 53.490265 -2.901107
L32 2BQ 20 0 53.490737 -2.904041
L32 2BR 14 0 53.488127 -2.900881
L32 2BS 62 0 53.491232 -2.901625
L32 2BT 19 0 53.487901 -2.899881
L32 2BU 21 0 53.488469 -2.906796
L32 2BW 27 0 53.489994 -2.900152
L32 2BY 5 0 53.486903 -2.905904
L32 2BZ 8 0 53.487597 -2.907953
L32 2DD 44 0 53.489316 -2.90181
L32 2DE 40 0 53.491396 -2.904914
L32 2DF 6 0 53.488841 -2.905131
L32 2DG 5 0 53.488996 -2.902512
L32 2DH 15 0 53.487233 -2.909754
L32 2DJ 32 0 53.486238 -2.905814