all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 8TW 18 0 53.476933 -2.872241
L32 8TX 13 0 53.475079 -2.876211
L32 8TY 29 0 53.475682 -2.873768
L32 8TZ 26 0 53.476194 -2.875029
L32 8UA 27 0 53.4763 -2.876477
L32 8UB 8 0 53.475655 -2.874957
L32 8UG 17 13 53.482204 -2.888578
L32 8UJ 26 0 53.479995 -2.88008
L32 8UL 31 0 53.479453 -2.88037
L32 8UN 12 0 53.479783 -2.880799
L32 8UR 1 1 53.4822 -2.890583
L32 8US 5 0 53.482995 -2.886138
L32 8UY 1 1 53.481327 -2.885939
L32 8XB 13 0 53.479023 -2.88015
L32 8XD 11 0 53.479089 -2.88098
L32 8XE 29 0 53.478659 -2.880851
L32 8XP 10 0 53.476296 -2.872138
L32 8XR 1 1 53.481327 -2.885939
L32 8XY 1 1 53.482173 -2.890538
L32 8YB 2 0 53.478816 -2.875021