all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
L32 9BA47053.477068-2.890461
L32 9BB17053.476773-2.890289
L32 9BD11053.476558-2.888959
L32 9PA26053.476682-2.884351
L32 9PB23053.47185-2.883873
L32 9PE21053.474334-2.884406
L32 9PF20553.475697-2.887584
L32 9PG12053.472428-2.883539
L32 9PL16053.472781-2.88564
L32 9PN14053.473062-2.885315
L32 9PP1153.473027-2.892335
L32 9PQ20053.474402-2.883926
L32 9PR11053.475312-2.890906
L32 9PS18053.475425-2.890261
L32 9PT9053.474195-2.888909
L32 9PU48053.47403-2.888017
L32 9PW23053.473681-2.889139
L32 9PX19053.474503-2.889744
L32 9PY44053.474265-2.886696
L32 9PZ21053.474351-2.886035