all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 2XB 16 0 53.417818 -2.797062
L35 2XD 43 0 53.41863 -2.795242
L35 2XE 20 0 53.418144 -2.788627
L35 2XF 42 0 53.418415 -2.789429
L35 2XG 12 1 53.418517 -2.786528
L35 2XH 43 0 53.418169 -2.798318
L35 2XJ 25 0 53.417363 -2.800545
L35 2XL 7 0 53.421162 -2.782047
L35 2XN 12 0 53.419381 -2.787777
L35 2XP 20 0 53.418889 -2.787377
L35 2XQ 22 0 53.418361 -2.787066
L35 2XR 24 0 53.417444 -2.788494
L35 2XS 27 0 53.416389 -2.786263
L35 2XT 26 0 53.416618 -2.786914
L35 2XU 26 0 53.416384 -2.788354
L35 2XW 1 1 53.418742 -2.785132
L35 2XX 45 0 53.414998 -2.788539
L35 2XY 26 2 53.415665 -2.78974
L35 2XZ 18 3 53.416051 -2.788408
L35 2YA 28 0 53.415357 -2.788666