all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 0QD 14 0 53.408784 -2.757134
L35 0QE 12 0 53.410161 -2.759626
L35 0QF 6 0 53.409671 -2.75891
L35 0QG 25 0 53.409088 -2.758749
L35 0QH 36 0 53.408946 -2.755678
L35 0QJ 19 0 53.408468 -2.75588
L35 0QL 4 0 53.410594 -2.760792
L35 0QN 12 0 53.409084 -2.758042
L35 0QP 18 0 53.409553 -2.761917
L35 0QQ 19 1 53.408665 -2.758787
L35 0QR 49 0 53.409618 -2.763001
L35 0QS 5 0 53.409753 -2.755888
L35 0QT 18 0 53.407712 -2.756077
L35 0QU 19 0 53.410436 -2.764369
L35 0QW 10 3 53.40969 -2.75566
L35 0QX 16 0 53.407321 -2.755258
L35 0QY 9 0 53.413509 -2.763161
L35 0RG 6 0 53.4143 -2.764559
L35 0WY 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L35 0XA 0 53.428643 -2.801854