all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 8DB 0 53.559341 -3.048048
L37 8DD 0 53.558971 -3.051239
L37 8DE 0 53.560375 -3.051093
L37 8DF 0 53.559887 -3.047246
L37 8DG 0 53.558002 -3.049026
L37 8DH 0 53.558564 -3.048527
L37 8DJ 0 53.558645 -3.04948
L37 8DL 29 53.55403 -3.041728
L37 8DN 0 53.55599 -3.057068
L37 8DP 1 53.553617 -3.044553
L37 8DQ 0 53.558849 -3.047734
L37 8DR 0 53.555218 -3.053818
L37 8DS 0 53.555428 -3.049186
L37 8DT 0 53.554849 -3.053869
L37 8DU 0 53.554561 -3.046813
L37 8DW 1 53.554198 -3.040011
L37 8DX 0 53.556005 -3.049203
L37 8DY 0 53.556205 -3.047895
L37 8DZ 0 53.556372 -3.047341
L37 8EA 0 53.5564 -3.048232