all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 1PB 0 53.578413 -2.888376
L39 1PD 1 53.5753 -2.888854
L39 1PE 0 53.579016 -2.888343
L39 1PF 0 53.573398 -2.890413
L39 1PG 0 53.577034 -2.884133
L39 1PH 0 53.576317 -2.883756
L39 1PJ 0 53.577559 -2.88357
L39 1PL 0 53.577367 -2.883959
L39 1PN 0 53.57735 -2.879005
L39 1PP 1 53.576931 -2.880944
L39 1PQ 0 53.576913 -2.884644
L39 1PR 0 53.578576 -2.879755
L39 1PS 0 53.578402 -2.881443
L39 1PT 0 53.578333 -2.879811
L39 1PU 0 53.578915 -2.884943
L39 1PW 0 53.577165 -2.878548
L39 1PX 3 53.570203 -2.886194
L39 1PY 0 53.57796 -2.881585
L39 1PZ 0 53.577749 -2.88217
L39 1QA 0 53.572051 -2.885751