all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 2BW 3 53.568338 -2.878501
L39 2BY 10 53.568548 -2.884153
L39 2BZ 1 53.568495 -2.883985
L39 2DD 1 53.568884 -2.882453
L39 2DE 57 1 53.567875 -2.878897
L39 2DF 1 1 53.571179 -2.879404
L39 2DH 45 1 53.567312 -2.881197
L39 2DJ 9 0 53.567583 -2.8822
L39 2DN 17 12 53.567689 -2.883682
L39 2DP 18 1 53.56955 -2.875083
L39 2DQ 1 1 53.567803 -2.880347
L39 2DR 9 0 53.57106 -2.871294
L39 2DS 20 0 53.569328 -2.874625
L39 2DT 12 0 53.570909 -2.869643
L39 2DU 20 0 53.569206 -2.874125
L39 2DX 11 0 53.569904 -2.870908
L39 2DY 22 0 53.571613 -2.873238
L39 2DZ 58 1 53.571558 -2.873343
L39 2EA 38 0 53.571076 -2.872834
L39 2EB 32 0 53.568166 -2.871355