all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 4RB 40 4 53.565638 -2.88145
L39 4RD 29 0 53.56359 -2.882175
L39 4RE 28 0 53.563001 -2.884309
L39 4RF 8 0 53.562374 -2.886379
L39 4RG 41 1 53.559519 -2.883511
L39 4RH 18 0 53.565098 -2.887644
L39 4RJ 37 0 53.564122 -2.884694
L39 4RL 8 1 53.565551 -2.887155
L39 4RN 26 0 53.563999 -2.889101
L39 4RQ 30 1 53.560892 -2.883902
L39 4RR 16 1 53.564654 -2.888133
L39 4RS 26 0 53.564273 -2.888593
L39 4RT 31 11 53.564511 -2.886527
L39 4RU 1 1 53.565718 -2.8861
L39 4RW 11 0 53.563682 -2.889396
L39 4RY 20 7 53.564661 -2.887197
L39 4SB 45 0 53.562037 -2.89069
L39 4SD 53 0 53.562304 -2.891043
L39 4SE 57 0 53.561385 -2.889814
L39 4SF 43 0 53.561482 -2.890346