all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 5ED 27 0 53.551808 -2.908573
L39 5EE 29 0 53.551519 -2.90994
L39 5EF 32 0 53.549021 -2.911064
L39 5EG 26 0 53.551768 -2.910338
L39 5EH 25 0 53.551137 -2.909313
L39 5EJ 8 0 53.551064 -2.90833
L39 5EL 2 0 53.548722 -2.910995
L39 5EN 26 0 53.550041 -2.912806
L39 5EP 28 0 53.549335 -2.912323
L39 5EQ 28 0 53.549187 -2.911611
L39 5ER 16 0 53.548551 -2.913665
L39 5ES 27 0 53.551949 -2.911353
L39 5ET 12 0 53.554836 -2.901649
L39 5EU 25 0 53.55428 -2.907343
L39 5EW 30 0 53.550262 -2.913309
L39 5EX 16 0 53.554304 -2.906634
L39 5EY 27 0 53.550731 -2.901275
L39 5EZ 13 0 53.551328 -2.901982
L39 5FB 3 0 53.556844 -2.905963
L39 5HA 10 0 53.544934 -2.905951