all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 6SB 23 0 53.540277 -2.919025
L39 6SD 16 0 53.538643 -2.918733
L39 6SE 43 4 53.543684 -2.902089
L39 6SF 21 3 53.544159 -2.902569
L39 6SG 32 2 53.542346 -2.906678
L39 6SH 12 1 53.537995 -2.916485
L39 6SJ 31 0 53.537196 -2.916408
L39 6SL 5 0 53.537487 -2.913608
L39 6SN 30 0 53.534715 -2.919626
L39 6SP 32 1 53.532134 -2.92004
L39 6SQ 8 0 53.539866 -2.912799
L39 6SR 45 1 53.536019 -2.906847
L39 6SS 26 0 53.537377 -2.920923
L39 6ST 30 6 53.535661 -2.925367
L39 6SU 10 0 53.536784 -2.928923
L39 6SX 21 0 53.538094 -2.932678
L39 6SY 29 1 53.524086 -2.913455
L39 6SZ 1 0 53.532481 -2.895621
L39 6TA 15 3 53.527569 -2.898595
L39 6TB 10 0 53.541087 -2.907076