all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 7JA 2 0 53.558884 -2.980914
L39 7JB 2 0 53.555377 -2.987641
L39 7JD 20 0 53.564661 -2.971583
L39 7JE 22 2 53.564077 -2.969335
L39 7JF 16 0 53.558956 -2.971211
L39 7JG 36 1 53.564286 -2.97014
L39 7JH 26 0 53.564698 -2.968096
L39 7JJ 1 1 53.565456 -2.966619
L39 7JL 17 0 53.564783 -2.966528
L39 7JN 23 0 53.572786 -2.968067
L39 7JP 16 1 53.565852 -2.958761
L39 7JR 8 0 53.570508 -2.965526
L39 7JS 7 0 53.571156 -2.96314
L39 7JT 2 1 53.570674 -3.015783
L39 7JU 12 0 53.572691 -2.964579
L39 7JW 12 0 53.575024 -2.9783
L39 7JX 2 0 53.568476 -2.948414
L39 7JY 28 1 53.570205 -2.955054
L39 7JZ 8 0 53.564985 -2.950271
L39 7LA 2 0 53.571788 -2.946752