all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 8BB 2 0 53.574302 -2.939167
L39 8RA 10 0 53.57371 -2.90424
L39 8RB 4 0 53.578666 -2.930762
L39 8RD 6 0 53.576486 -2.923344
L39 8RE 10 0 53.588208 -2.93706
L39 8RF 16 3 53.590542 -2.944029
L39 8RG 25 9 53.584781 -2.949686
L39 8RH 21 2 53.580608 -2.943402
L39 8RJ 38 1 53.583875 -2.948276
L39 8RL 19 0 53.574699 -2.936623
L39 8RN 17 1 53.588262 -2.949615
L39 8RP 2 0 53.585536 -2.954129
L39 8RQ 5 0 53.572794 -2.899343
L39 8RR 18 1 53.58048 -2.956072
L39 8RS 23 1 53.581057 -2.956732
L39 8RT 2 0 53.575074 -2.954014
L39 8RU 31 0 53.582218 -2.959011
L39 8RW 8 2 53.590951 -2.946019
L39 8RX 16 0 53.585354 -2.970366
L39 8RY 7 1 53.590052 -2.990461