all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 9AA 1 1 53.571163 -2.879405
L39 9EA 5 0 53.554231 -2.86767
L39 9ES 2 0 53.552582 -2.859501
L39 9EB 2 0 53.549537 -2.860496
L39 9ED 5 0 53.553005 -2.877021
L39 9EE 8 2 53.545331 -2.876741
L39 9EF 3 0 53.538615 -2.857183
L39 9EG 11 3 53.541069 -2.873
L39 9EH 6 0 53.55081 -2.863784
L39 9EJ 10 0 53.548868 -2.876196
L39 9EL 4 0 53.549078 -2.878207
L39 9EN 4 1 53.542439 -2.84392
L39 9EP 4 0 53.546638 -2.856424
L39 9ER 3 0 53.528373 -2.884854
L39 9EW 7 0 53.541619 -2.844235