all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 1NE 1 53.570584 -2.88717
L39 1NF 0 53.572971 -2.88648
L39 1NG 0 53.570987 -2.886197
L39 1NH 0 53.57387 -2.885321
L39 1NJ 0 53.574588 -2.881817
L39 1NL 10 53.574079 -2.887135
L39 1NN 5 53.574493 -2.887312
L39 1NP 0 53.574976 -2.887715
L39 1NQ 0 53.570568 -2.885735
L39 1NR 0 53.575261 -2.888038
L39 1NS 0 53.573724 -2.883203
L39 1NT 0 53.576441 -2.886522
L39 1NU 1 53.57397 -2.88274
L39 1NW 1 53.573639 -2.889422
L39 1NX 1 53.576535 -2.88592
L39 1NY 0 53.57574 -2.886417
L39 1NZ 1 53.575083 -2.886615
L39 1PA 2 53.575277 -2.889534
L39 1PB 0 53.578413 -2.888376
L39 1PD 1 53.5753 -2.888854