all postcodes in L40 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L40 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L40 4BH 7 0 53.592676 -2.808902
L40 4BJ 8 0 53.594935 -2.804382
L40 4BL 23 2 53.596516 -2.79515
L40 4BN 4 0 53.60583 -2.793557
L40 4BP 4 0 53.600758 -2.81235
L40 4BQ 25 0 53.597762 -2.803831
L40 4BR 6 0 53.600357 -2.814836
L40 4BS 19 0 53.598776 -2.818644
L40 4BT 22 2 53.595469 -2.819849
L40 4BU 16 0 53.601267 -2.822304
L40 4BW 3 0 53.602242 -2.799111
L40 4BX 14 1 53.596972 -2.829927
L40 4BF 9 0 53.597442 -2.830933
L40 4BY 18 13 53.603782 -2.841681
L40 4BZ 21 5 53.603214 -2.840915
L40 4LA 67 0 53.602357 -2.840112
L40 4LB 30 1 53.601814 -2.838152
L40 4LD 31 0 53.601551 -2.838358
L40 4LE 30 0 53.605149 -2.838097
L40 4LF 21 0 53.605593 -2.837501